6 simple steps to put your 2021 ideas into action.

Have a plan or some ideas rattling around your head but don’t know how to actually make them work?

First of all, congratulations for giving yourself some time and space to imagine what’s possible and the courage to start to take control of the future.

Now you have to turn those ideas into tangible actions. Don’t be intimidated, here are six simple steps to get you on the right track.

1. Write it all down

Write down what changes you are looking to make this year and rough ideas about how you are going to do it. It does not have to look pretty or even make real sense at this point, just start to get it on paper (or screen).

2. Prioritise

No-one can do it all at once, so pick the most important things to work on first.

This helps you to focus on one thing at a time - it’s much less confronting this way and feels more achievable.

You’ll also feel much more accomplished after completing one project than having five all in progress, barely getting anywhere.

3. Include your Staff

It can feel vulnerable, but it is a great idea to include staff in your early stage plans. If you are a small team, try to let everyone participate, if the business is bigger, invite in  your key players. 

Firstly, it builds trust and loyalty when staff feel like their input is valued, and secondly, they may have helpful ideas or alternatives you haven’t considered.

Also, the earlier you include staff in planning, the better the buy-in and commitment from them down the track. The worst case scenario is making complete detailed plans or changes and then springing them on unsuspecting staff.

4. Share plans with your Accountant

We are committed to helping you succeed, and have some clients with great success stories. 

More often than not financial considerations form a part of the list of priorities and that is where we come in. We can help with a budget and timeline.

Also, If you have some ideas and would like a second opinion then we would love to assist your planning process.

5. Start with Number 1

Once you’ve got an overarching plan and your prioritised list, start with number one!

Break it down into small parts and goals and create some actions and a timeline.

The good news is, you can start to delegate this process. Administration professionals are great at processes and plans, making schedules and task lists.

Hopefully you have some staff who can assist, but if not, don’t let that stop you, we can help you with an action plan.

6. Review

Throughout the process and the year, check back in with your original plans and ideas. Have you made progress? Have you slipped off track? Have your goals changed?

The more often you review where you’re at, the quicker you can catch the distractions and refocus. It also helps you identify and measure successes and weaknesses in your processes or your staff.

Remember to touch base with staff as well to recognise their achievements in making progress on the business plan (or help them catch up when they’ve fallen behind).

We’re happy to help you with business plans at any stage. We aim to provide a supported, safe space to discuss your dreams and aspirations. Talk to us today.


Getting Your Finances Back on Track


No plan for 2021? There’s still time!